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Eolo Falcon

The Eolo Halcón scarecrow is designed to deter all types of birds in farms, industrial and urban facilities, ports and airports. Its deterrent effect instantly and permanently repels birds thanks to its sustained and continuous flight from just a slight breeze.


Damage caused by flocks of birds affects both seeds, garden crops, fruit trees, vines, etc. These flocks can wipe out all the products of a farm with consequent economic losses.

There are many birds considered pests (pigeons, turtledoves, starlings, linnets, herons, seagulls etc.) The Scarecrow Eolo Falcon fights them in an ecological and natural way by simulating a natural predator.


Made of high resistance technical textile with UV protection, the Eolo Halcón comes equipped with a 5 or 7m telescopic mast. high and an invisible monofilament . Its resin-coated fiberglass rods give them strength for the Eolo Halcón to perform flights and dives from 10 to 14 meters. high simulating a raptor, projecting the shadow of its silhouette at great distances.

Eolo Industrial  Urban

Other elements birds use to landing are the  outdoor machinery, like air aonditioners or refrigeration, ventilation boxes, etc. With the installation of the Eolo Industrial Urban scarecrow, it will avoid its malfunction due to the accumulation of feathers and dregs, and we able to prevent its spoilage and premature aging and  recurring repairs.

Eolo Guardian

The Eolo Guard is a light and effective anti aves device ideal to be installed at port & urban signals, lamp posts and strategic locations that  birds use as a settlement.

Eolo Antena TV

One of the locations that birds use as landing element are the TV antennas. Their presence in them, causes through their dregs, sanitary problems in spaces inhabited by people such as terraces, skylights, awnings, etc. Installing the Eolo TV Antenna scarecrow, it will delete these problems completely thanks to its rotational and random movement by wind action. Another benefits of this device, is delete the incessant sounds that birds release and also the occasionals losses of signal TV, due to the accumulation of birds in the antenna.

Eolo Arana

One of the locations that birds use as landing element are the TV antennas. Their presence in them, causes through their dregs, sanitary problems in spaces inhabited by people such as terraces, skylights, awnings, etc. Installing the Eolo TV Antenna scarecrow, it will delete these problems completely thanks to its rotational and random movement by wind action. Another benefits of this device, is delete the incessant sounds that birds release and also the occasionals losses of signal TV, due to the accumulation of birds in the antenna.

Eolo S/27

The Swivel piece StopGull S27, is designed to avoid that gulls and shorebirds, alight on critical points. Strategically located, it prevents birds land on navigation lights and port signals.


Available in clear, StopGull S27 is shown in a unitary blister. Includes a double sided adhesive for its installation. If you need install more than one piece in a single element, the wheelbase must be 8cm.

Contact us

Tel. 938330936

C/ Dr. Josep Trueta 17

08295, Sant Vicenç de Castellet. Barcelona



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The eolo devices are made in Barcelona

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